Qutab-ul-Aqtab (The Light-house of the light-houses) Hazrat Hafiz Sheikh Muhammad Amin Bin Abdul Rehman Al-Madni lived in Madina, Saudi Arabia, for sixty years. He was Imam at Masjid An-Noor for thirty years. He came to Pakistan in the late '80s and lived in Karachi for 12 years. Later on, he migrated to Multan (Madinat-ul-Aulia) around 1995. He resides in the Hujra-381, New Shah Rukn-e-Alam Colony. He is one of the Noblest saints of this time. He belongs to Idrisi Silsila whose roots are found in Northern Africa and Arabia. This saint has introduced the Idrisi Tareeqah in Pakistan [1].
He has established meeting-centers for Silent Zikr (Zikr-e-Khafi) in all cities of Pakistan. As a tradition of all Aulia Karam, he is capable of inducing the most intense love for the Last Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) in his followers [2].
He asks his followers to always remain busy in sending blessings to the Messenger (silent recitation of Darood). The love of the Prophet of Islam is the basis of this silsila.
Tassawuf is mostly about subjective realities, an understanding of which requires a change of perception - a softening of heart. It is all about heart-to-heart matters and that is why it demands silence. Shaikh Amin provides a link to the sea of Allah's Anwaar (Enlightenment) and Tajalliyaat (special blessings) in the spirit of the Prophet of Islam that can only be experienced first-hand by creating a spiritual affinity with him.
Idrisia Tareeqa is a spiritual lineage linked to the Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad. This spiritual lineage is famous in Egypt, Sudan and Arabia.
Tareeqah or Tassawuf deals in those dimensions of reality where space and time does not really matter, therefore, if someone criticizes on the root location of Silsila i.e., Africa, he or she does not know how Tareeqah works at all.[2]
We must keep in mind that triggering the Ishq-e-Mustaffa, or, Love of the Prophet, Peace be upon Him, is not a self-directed and personal journey. For awakening of this Ishq, one must contact those whose Ishq-e-Mustafa has already awaken. It is exactly like the candle which cannot be lit without the other burning candle. They are those whose attention (or Nigah) is capable of initiating this Ishq in a pupil. This becomes a chain, or Silsila which traces directly to The Prophet, Peace be upon Him. Therefore, without the help of a Wali of the time, you can be muslim, but you can never be a Momin. Faith is also not self-attained treasure, it is gifted by those who already have the gift of Faith in their hearts.THE PEDIGREE OF AHMAD BIN IDRIS
FATIMAH = ALI IBN ABI TALIB --> al-Hasan (d. 49/699-70)--> al-Hasan -->Abd Allah, al-kaamil, al-mahd --> Idris, the founder of Idrisi dynasty in Fez (d 175/ 791) --> Idris (d. 213/828) -->
Muhammad (d. 221/836) --> Ali Haydara --> Ahmed Mizwar --> Isa --> Hurma --> Ali --> Abu Bakr
-> Mashish -> Yamlah -> Muhammad -> Abd al-Jabbar -> Ahmad -> Umar -> Ibrahim -> Abd Allah -> Muhammad -> Ahmad -> Ali -> Muhammad -> Idris -> Ahmad al-Mashishi al-Yamlahi al-Hasani.
Hazrat Ahmad Bin Idris, the Moroccan mystic and teacher, is one of the seminal figures of Islam in the nineteenth century. Through his preachings, prayers and litanies, his students and their students, he has exercised an enduring influence that stretches from North Africa east to Malaysia and Indonesia, north to Southern Yugoslavia and Istanbul and south along the East African coast. In North East Africa, his influence was specially profound through such students as Muhammad b. Ali al Sanusi, Muhammad Uthman Al-Mirghani and Ibrahim al-Rashid. Two states of the region, Libya and Somalia, are at least in part of creations of the traditions associated with him. In the Sudan, the brotherhood, the Khatmiyya, established by al-Mirghani continues to play a major role in the politics of divided country.
- Click here for Source
- www.Aulia-e-Pakistan.com
Another Introduction from http://sheikhamin.blogspot.com/
''Muhammad Ameen bin Abd-ur-Rahman'' ''Qutab-ul-Aqtaab" is a Sufi Shaikh. In the past, he spent most of his time in Madina Saudi Arabia, and he is now based in Multan, a city in southern Punjab Pakistan. The number of his followers is in millions. He Resides at Shah Rukn-e-Alam Colony in New Multan(Multan). He belongs to the Idreesia (also spelt Idrissia) order of Sufism which originated in North Africa and the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt) as compared with the Iranian-Indian orders and stems of Sufism which have been traditionally popular in Pakistan. He is The Sheikh of the Time Now for Muslims. Shaikh Ameen's methods of initiating followers into his Sufi discipline include the Love for God & Love for his Prophet Muhammad through Zikr / Darood Khafi or silent recital. Idrissia is mostly spelled as Idrisia in Modren Western Literature. Imam Ahmad Idrisi [real name Ahmad Ibn Idris Al-Fasi] was the founder of this sufi order. The spiritual authority of Idrisia is mainly deriven through well recorded narration from Imam Idris where he was given Awrad (sufi chantings) by Khidhar (a legenadry personality in Abrahamic Religions) in the presence of Muhammad {SalAllaho Alaihi waSallam}. It is also narrated, in the same spiritual encounter, that Muhammad {SalAllaho Alaihi waSallam} became the Direct Guardian of Idrisi Sufi Tradition. Sheikh Amin Bin Abdurr Rehman attained his spiritual training various Mashiakh (Sufi Masters) including Qadriyya and Naqsh Bandia but settled for an Idrisi Shiekh in Yemen. He spent later part of his youth in Modern Saudia, specifically Hijaz. He migrated to Pakistan after political instability in Saudia in late 1970s. He has a sizeable number of followers.